martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Convergence in Creative and Culture Industries: Something to think about

Nowadays we can clearly see how new forms of Media are 'taking over' the old ones and afecting many C.C.Is. This convergence can either benefit or harm these industries, but how? Which traditional media are bound to disappear or transform due to convergence? Why?

It is not possible to bring up an objective conclusion because it all depends on the specific industry we are analyzing. We can talk about magazines vs. online magazines (as the converging version), some people can think that the physical form of a magazine will never disappear due to the ilegitimate historical value on this form of media and these people are the ones that could even save them for collection for future generations, between other reasons, for some people, simply put: they just want to hold the magazine and enjoy reading in at a coffee shop or in a waiting room, this is also very related with tradition and what a physical magazine signifies. Other people can think that online magazines have a more multimedia kind of concept adding videos and podcasts and this brings up many more oportunities and links to other forms of communication.

Now, talking about culture...

London: city of cities, proven to be the most multicultural city in the world , how it will be affected by this convergence? It will increase its creativity and it will become even more multiculural?

Thinking broadly we all could agree that convergence will make London a more creative and multicultural city as you can research about any kind of culture online, but isn't this arguable? Aren't we missing the core point? The main idea of actually going out there and feel, smell, taste, touch the culture?

I reckon, the only way convergence would estimulate London's creativity is on broad industries like advertising, industries that cover the other ones (it is clear that no C.C.I can survive with at least some Advertising). So, if this Advertising industry uses wisely New Media goodness, the results could be amazing!

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